Does Not Compute

39: Learn to Observe

Episode Summary

In episode 39 of Does Not Compute, Sean and Paul talk about how they approach setting personal and professional goals, address the age old question "How does one get started with programming these days?", and how learning a few things about yourself you can dramatically reduce the amount of frustration you'll experience.

Episode Notes

Things Mentioned

Listener Question

"How do you come up with professional goals?" - @jakehschwartz

Find what makes you happy and then do that. Stay flexible, don't try to get too solid a plan together because things change, and people change.

We get asked a lot "How do you get into programming?"

A lot of people approach us with this same question. Instead of focusing on tech centric things like "start with html or js", here are our tips that help with sticking to programming, and managing every day issues that arrise.

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